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Search Photos

Volvo 8500LE #MCX-189

14 august 2012 - Budapest, Eötvös út

Author: Reichenbergeredytorhalfdriver RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: ArrivaBus Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK Budapest | Route: 21

Volvo 8500LE #MCX-181

14 august 2012 - Budapest, Diána utca

Author: Reichenbergeredytorhalfdriver RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: ArrivaBus Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK Budapest | Route: 21A

Volvo B7RLE / Alfa Localo #KPN-955

30 september 2012 - Budapest, Tétényi út

Author: gbalage RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: ArrivaBus Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK Budapest | Route: 114

Volvo 8500LE #MCX-190

30 september 2012 - Budapest, Kamaraerdei út

Author: gbalage RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: ArrivaBus Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK Budapest | Route: 87

Volvo 8500LE #MCX-173

29 september 2012 - Budapest, Széll Kálmán tér

Author: Kóródy Ádámnewseredytor RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: ArrivaBus Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK Budapest | Route: 129

Volvo 8500LE #MCX-186

29 september 2012 - Budapest, Normafa, Jánoshegyi út

Author: Kóródy Ádámnewseredytor RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: ArrivaBus Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK Budapest | Route: 21

Volvo 8500LE #MCX-193

29 september 2012 - Budapest, Normafa, Jánoshegyi út

Author: Kóródy Ádámnewseredytor RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: ArrivaBus Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK Budapest | Route: 21A

Volvo 8500LE #MCX-185

29 september 2012 - Budapest, Normafa, Jánoshegyi út

Author: Kóródy Ádámnewseredytor RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: ArrivaBus Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK Budapest | Route: 21A

Volvo 8500LE #MCX-189

29 september 2012 - Budapest, Normafa, Jánoshegyi út

Author: Kóródy Ádámnewseredytor RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: ArrivaBus Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK Budapest | Route: 21A

MAN SL223 #HSJ-465

5 october 2012 - Budapest (22. district), cross Nagytétényi street and Joseph Tóth street

Author: A_90 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: ArrivaBus Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK Budapest | Route: 213

Volvo 8500LE #MCX-188

5 october 2012 - Budapest, Nagytétényi út - Kossuth Lajos utca

Author: A_90 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: ArrivaBus Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK Budapest | Route: 141

Volvo B7RLE / Alfa Localo #KXM-004

14 august 2012 - Budapest, Margit körút

Author: Reichenbergeredytorhalfdriver RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: ArrivaBus Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK Budapest | Route: 155

81-717.2 #344

13 august 2012 - Budapest, Kőbánya-Kispest

Author: Reichenbergeredytorhalfdriver RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK Budapest | Route: M3

Volvo 8500LE #MCX-176

11 september 2012 - ... the first buses in the new colour, called skyblue.

Author: A_90 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: ArrivaBus Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK Budapest | Route: 129

Ganz KCSV 7 #1362

26 july 2012 - Budapest V. Kossuth Lajos tér

Author: Dawid_2248 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK Budapest | Route: 2

Ikarus 435.06 #19-29

14 july 2012 - Budapest, XIX. kerület, Vak Bottyán utca (Kőbánya-Kispest M), 136E vonal

Author: fafax RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK Budapest | Route: 136E

Tatra T5C5 #4138

13 july 2012 - Budapest, Könyves Kálmán körút (Népliget M), 1-es vonal

Author: fafax RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK Budapest | Route: 1

Gräf & Stift NGE152 M17/18 #350

15 july 2012 - Budapest, Kerepesi út, 80-as vonal

Author: fafax RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK Budapest | Route: 80

Ikarus 260E #JNG-724

6 february 2011 - Budapest - Örs vezér tér

Author: bpo841 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK Budapest | Route: 67

Ikarus 260E #12-09

20 august 2010 - Budapest - Csepel Hollandi út. - koniec świata. Cudem udało się złapać cudaka. Widać już po nim, że NG przeszedł 5 lat temu. Efekt podniszczenia potęguje obdarty lakier z przodu i wszechobecny brud wewnątrz. Wóz za to pięknie brzmi i jest po prostu wygodny.

Author: PKM&WPKnewserdriver RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK Budapest | Route: 71

Comments: 1

Ikarus 260E #JNG-724

30 december 2009 - JNG-724 in Budapest, at the destination at Határ Street.

Author: A_90 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK Budapest | Route: 199

Comments: 1

Ganz MUV #3404

26 may 2002 - Budapeszt, Kispest, Hatar ut. Oryginalnie wagony UV miały pulpit tylko z jednego końca i aby funkcjonować dwukierunkowo musiały jeździć w składach. Dla niektórych linii w południowym Peszcie wystarczały jednak solówki, dlatego 20 wagonów przebudowano na dwustanowiskowe.

Author: strasznynewserlimiteredytordriver RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK Budapest | Route: 42

Ganz MUV #3444

28 december 1999 - Budapest-Kispest. Toth Arpad u. Mimo niesprzyjających warunków i słabej przejezdności udało się jednak zaliczyć całą 42. Sorki za brak ślizgacza - zgrabiały mi z zimna dłonie ;-)

Author: strasznynewserlimiteredytordriver RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK Budapest | Route: 42

Comments: 3



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